
Amazon FBA Automation

Amazon FBA Automation

Helping Struggling Businesses Grow Aggressively Without Burning More Money on Ads

We help you Start, Scale and Automate your FBA business without burning a lot of money on ads. We partner up with you. You sit back, watch us Scaling your business, and Collect profits biweekly.

Simplified Way to Scale Brand on Amazon

Our Services

What do we do for our partners?


One of our veterans will help you understand our processs on initial Consultation Call. We talk on business requirements and do proper SWOT analysis of eCome Business development and discuss common interests to see if we are a good fit for partnership or not.

Full-Time Management

Our dedicated team of eCom experts plsn your business, monitor diligently and scale your Amazon aggressively to new heights. We manage your products, inventory, sales, customer service & store entirely. This is what our team does for clients while targeting a 15%-25% profit margin.


Form Submission > Schedule an onboarding call > Signing the contract > Getting documents ready (tax exemptions etc.) > Updating Credentials > Listing products and enjoying profits! Generate Revenue The purpose of an Amazon business is to earn passive income.

What's an Amazon FBA Business?


Fulfillment By Amazon allows storage and shipment of items from Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Items that are fulfilled by Amazon are eligible.53% of FBA sellers are 3rd party.


Amazon FBA is 100% legal and is in compliance with all of Amazon’s terms of service and policies.
*TVS Elite partnerhsip is not a dropshipping service.


Better than Real estate in almost all conditions. Amazon FBA stores have no ceiling. Revenue increases as we research and acquire more and more profitable items for the store.

Comparison between FBA AND Real Estate

When most people think about real estate as passive income, they usually picture rental properties. In short, you buy an apartment complex, a house, an office building, and so on. Then you fix it up (if needed) and rent it out. Whatever profit is left over at the end of the month is yours to keep.



You will speak before me at the end of this comparison!

 When we compare an Amazon FBA business model to how passive income works, it lines up perfectly. Sellers invest some time and money upfront to identify or create a competitive product and then market the product accordingly.

It’ll take some time to grow positive Amazon reviews for your product but once that happens, it’s no longer a daily commitment. It’s a business that runs itself with unlimited earning potential.

Is Real Estate As Passive As It Seems?

Technically, real estate is passive if you do it right and have enough capital. 

First, you’ll invest money on a down payment, and you’ll need some time to find the right tenants. But hopefully once each unit or building is rented out, it’s hands-off … right?

In reality, you’ll have to deal with tenants breaking leases, evictions, paperwork, background checks, maintenance calls, and more. If you have enough money, you can hire a property management company to take care of these issues for you — but it’ll cost you a relatively high percentage of each month’s revenue.

In short, after you account for the cost of your rental property’s mortgage, maintenance, and so on, you’re likely left with a few hundred dollars that took you several hours (or even days) to earn. And unless you can afford to diversify (or buy more than one property in more than one location), your earnings are strictly limited.

Earning potential

Whether the business model inherently caps earnings over time.
Unlimited earning potential means there is no cap, limited means there is a cap.


How agile is the business model? Can you lose your investment?
Valuable asset you can sell: Can you sell the business you’ve built for a profit? Is it an asset?

Short-term time commitment

How much time does it take to get the business up and running? Long-term time commitment: After it’s set up, how much time.


How easy is it to diversify your portfolio? Can you spread your eggs out into different baskets?

Upfront costs

How much money does it take to get started? Credit limit:30K-50K Onboarding fee:10-15k

Monthly profits

When you subtract monthly expenses from monthly revenue, how much is left over.


Amazon FBA
Rental Properties
Earning potentialUnlimitedLimited
Monthly profitsHighLow
Short-term time commitmenHighHigh
Long-term time commitmentLowHigh
Up front costs$10k – 15k$50k+
Valuable asset you can sellYesYes

As you can see above, when we compare Amazon FBA vs real estate, the answer is obvious. An Amazon FBA business can earn more money over time with less money upfront than rental properties. You’ll also spend less time and money to maintain an Amazon FBA business over time than you will with rental properties, and there’s less inherent risk. Plus, if you work with the right partner, you can start an Amazon FBA business with a money-back guarantee and step-by-step instructions on how to start one of your own.

How To Start A Successful Passive Income Business

The first step to financial freedom is with Change Your Life With Passive Income — the FREE eBook 

 Inside you’ll find valuable information about how entrepreneurs across the globe are changing their lives and setting themselves free forever.

Discover several passive income business models and learn how each of them could work for you. So take the first step toward financial independence and build a passive income business that’s proven to work. It all starts when you uncover the secrets of unlimited earning potential and figure out how to escape the “time for money” cycle — and this eBook has those secrets. has helped countless entrepreneurs just like you — and plenty of them started with the ebook.

Testimonial and Reviews

Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

Client Requirements


The client must provide capital or credit for the first batch of products and restocking inventory and for marketing.

Inventory Cost

What is the barrier to entry? How much money does it take to get started? Credit limit:30K-50K Onboarding fee:10-15k

Business Attitude

We want to work with people who understand the power of ecommerce and share our enthusiasm.

Requirements are:

New or an aged (6-8 months older) Amazon Seller store.

$10-15K in working capital that goes towards automation service fee, equipment, staff salaries, and setup cost

Credit Limit of at least $30-50K a month to scale brand

To be able to purchase an Amazon business prime account + 1 software subscription.

What's the catch?

Ready to start? Head over to our 'PARTNER UP WITH TVS' section, tell us about your plans and someone from our team will reach out to you!

There is no catch! Our VA’s work for you day and night 24/7, scale your store in return of a profit split. 

There is no VA/manager who work with us on a Salary basis & that is what motivates them. We ask a profit split at the end of the month once you already paid your credit card bills and kept your share. It is that easy! you make money, we make money!